International Artists Forum अन्तराष्ट्रिय कलाकार मँच, अमेरिका: राष्ट्रिय तथा अन्तराष्ट्रिय ख्यातिप्राप्त कलाकार स...: करिब तीन बर्ष अघि गठन भै अमेरिका र अन्य देश हरुमा समेत गीत, संगीत, कला, संस्कृतिका लागि सक्रिय रुपमा काम गरिरहेको, हाल सम्म बिभिन्न देशहरु...
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Monday, September 5, 2011
मुसा पसेपछि काठमाडौँबाट ब्याङ्कक उड्न ठीक्क परेको जहाज रोकियो
काठमाडौँ, भदौ १९,
एक सय ३३ यात्रु बोकेर ब्याङ्कक उड्न ठीक्क परेको नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमको बोइङ ७५७ नाइन एन- एसीबी जहाजमा एउटा मुसा पसेपछि उडान रद्द भएको छ।
बिहान नौ बजे उड्न लागेको जहाजमा पसेको मुसा डेढ घण्टा खोज्दासमेत नभेट्टिएपछि ग्राउन्डेड गरिएको छ। निगमको हाल सञ्चालनमा रहेको एउटै मात्र जहाज ग्राउन्डेड भएपछि अब ऊसँग अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय उडानका लागि कुनै विमान छैन। निगमको अर्को बोइङ बनाउन तीन हप्तका लागि इजरायल पुगेको छ।
एक सय ३३ यात्रु बोकेर ब्याङ्कक उड्न ठीक्क परेको नेपाल वायुसेवा निगमको बोइङ ७५७ नाइन एन- एसीबी जहाजमा एउटा मुसा पसेपछि उडान रद्द भएको छ।
बिहान नौ बजे उड्न लागेको जहाजमा पसेको मुसा डेढ घण्टा खोज्दासमेत नभेट्टिएपछि ग्राउन्डेड गरिएको छ। निगमको हाल सञ्चालनमा रहेको एउटै मात्र जहाज ग्राउन्डेड भएपछि अब ऊसँग अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय उडानका लागि कुनै विमान छैन। निगमको अर्को बोइङ बनाउन तीन हप्तका लागि इजरायल पुगेको छ।
Sunday, September 4, 2011
लघु उपन्यास: जिजीबिषा (भाग ६)
k/LIffsf] ;dozfl/0fL klg k|sflzt eof] k|yd jif{sf] . k/LIffsf] tof/L ;fdfGo ¿kdf x'Fb} uof] . Psflt/ cfˆgf] l:yltnfO{ sfod} /fVg sDd/ s:g' k/]sf] lyof] eg] csf]{lt/ ljrlnt dgnfO{ nufd nufpg' k/]sf] lyof] . jf:tljstfsf] kbf{kmf; gePsf] x'gfn] efjgfx¿ bldt cj:yfdf g} lyP . slxn]sflxF kL8f c;x\o x'GYof] / dnd nufpg] k|oTg u/L lgsf] kfg]{ r]i6f /fVy]F . lzIf0f k]zfdf ;+nUg lyPF . ;dosf] cefj lyof] . s]xL u/L b'O{–tLg 306fleq ;f/f s'/fx¿ v]Nby] dgdf . Pp6f lglZrt sfddf vl6Psf] JolQmnfO{ w]/} cltl/Qm af]em ylkPsf] dx;'; x'GYof] dnfO{ . cWoog d]/f] k|d'v st{JonfO{ pgsf] ;Demgf d]/f] bf];|f] Jojwfgn] / cWofkg d]/f] t];|f] afWotfn] km:6fpg] cj;/af6 jl~rt kfg{ x/k|oTg k|of; gu/]sf xf]Ogg\ .
Saturday, September 3, 2011
If you can read this you have a strong mind -
TH15 M3554G3 53RV35 TO PR0V3 H0W 0UR M1ND5 C4N D0 4M4Z1NG TH1NG5! 1MPR3551V3 TH1NG5!
Friday, September 2, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
साथीहरु तथा बन्धुहरुलाई फेसबूक ले नजिक्याएको खुशी!!!
888!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a unique number of our Bashyal Basyal Samaj!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually this is spreading worldwide! We all are proud of it!!!!!!!!!!
I hope everyone of our samaj must find it interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am very sorry that I may not know all of you but this is my pleasure to see in one page as our "bansha".
I had really thought of it by heart to bring as many of my "bandhus" as I could!!!!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
लघु उपन्यास: जिजीबिषा (भाग 5)
d sNkgfsf] e"d/Ldf ?dlNnFb} uPF . d]/f efjgfsf t/Ëx¿n] pgLnfO{ ao]nL v]nfpFb} nu] . Pp6} tfndf Pp6} 8'Ëfdf ofqf u/]sf ofqLx¿ ;/x Jojxf/ ub}{ uOof] xfdL . w]/} lbgsf] ofqf lyof] . slxn]sflxF la;f}gLdf klg lbg latfpg' kb{Yof] . lsg lsg Ps lbg klg olb pgL ofqfdf cg'kl:yt /lxg\ eg] stf–stf ;xofqLsf] cefjdf d]/f] dgn] vNnf] dfg]/ 8'Ëf cl8GYof] Ps l5g\ .
Monday, August 29, 2011
A Question on the Father's Day
Father, the one who can't be compared with any of the persons in the world, the one who never can go against you, the one who always loves you as a kid, is really a god.
Actually, I am very indifferent regarding expressing such wishes to the addressee face-to-face however it is the Facebook which has made us so eloquent in such cases.
How about you ? Plz leave a comment and don't pretend to be an exception, except some of you!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
लघु उपन्यास (part 4)
;bfem}F ef]lnkN6 klg t];|f] 306L nfUof] . d vfnL ePF . d pgsf] k|ltIffdf sf]7f g+= & df al;/x] . st} of] k|ltIff d]/f] sdhf]/L t xf]Og eGg] klg lyof] dgdf . d pgL;Fu a;]sf] b]v] eg] ;fyLx¿n] s] eGnfg\ < sf]7fdf PSn} pgL;Fu a;]sf] b]v]/ ;fyLx¿n] lh:Sofpg] df}sf yKg' dfq x'G5 ls Û t/ xf]Og, lsg lh:Sofpg] pgLx¿n] dnfO{ . d}n] s] la/fpFb} 5' / < xfd|f] 306L vfnL 5 To;}n] a;]sf] eGg] pQ/ lbg]5' d ;fyLx¿nfO{ . cflb cGt/lqmofx¿ ;NanfO/x]sf lyP dgdf .
"क"बाट कमल "ख" खरायो: एउटा राम्रो शैक्षिक भिडियो
This video was extracted from the Facebook wall posted by my friend Thakur Lamsal. I am very grateful to him and especially the creators of this video. I think it is very good for small kids to learn Nepali with musical tone. I hope parents with small kids living abroad will appreciate it.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
लघु उपन्यास (Chapter ... 3)
sIffx¿ laTb} uP . xfd|f ;fdfGo a;fOx¿n] dnfO{ cGwf] agfpFb} uP . ;fdfGo a;fOsf] kl/0ffdsf] ;xL c8\sn ddf ePg . o;/L cfTdfn] zflGt kfpFb}g eGg] yfxf ePsf] eP d Toltv]/ g} d]/f] dgnfO{ ;Demfpg] lyP xf]nf . of] a]r}gLsf] cfudgnfO{ c:jLsf/ ug{ ddf ;fdyo{sf] sdL x'Fb}gYof] xf]nf . ;fdfGo s'/fsfgL g} d]/f] nflu c;x\o kL8fsf] sf/0f aGg] s'/fsf] nIf0f dfq d}n] k"j{ ;"rgf :j¿k k|fKt ug{ ;s]sf] eP klg cfhsf] clgb|fsf] dxz'; ug'{kg]{ lyPg xf]nf .
Friday, August 26, 2011
सत्य घटनामा आधारित् एउटा मार्मिक लघु उपन्यास (Chapter २)
clgjfo{ sIffx¿ lnO;s]kl5 t];|f] 306L vfnL x'G5, xfdLx¿sf] dfq . cª\u]|hL / /fhgLltzf:q lng]sf] dfq t];|f] 306L vfnL x'Fbf] /x]5 . xfdL ^÷& hgf / ljz]if u/L xfdL b'O{hgf ;Fu} x'g yfNof}F . Ps lbgsf] s'/f xf], SofDk;sf] k|fjwfg ljk/Lt xfdLn] ljifo rog u/]sfn] sj'lnotgfdf ug'{kg]{ hfgsf/L u/fOof] . To;} cg';f/ xfdLn] klg u¥of}F pgsf] / csf]{ Ps hgf ljBfyL{sf] /f]=g+= h'w]sfn] ToxfF km]l/ kl/rodf uf9fkg cfof] eg] d}n] pgsf] /f]=g+= df k/]sf] km/skgdf b]vfPsf] rf;f]af6 csf]{ ljBfyL{ -dLg_ nfO{ z+sf nfUg yfln;s]sf] /x]5 .
"मेरो नेपाल" कबिता by बिजया भण्डारी , लन्डनबाट
My Nepal
"Nepal, a wonderful country, with diverse nature,
You see a child, but in manners, as a mature.
In this country, everyone knows how to respect,
It's really important, what else do you expect?
In this country, everyone is talent,
You can find all, even love being silent.
Something more lovely, about them is that,
They believe in gods,
Nobody wants villas or bungalows,
Though they live in huts.
The abode (home) of Budhha and Mount Everest,
Is in my country,
It is all about my Nepal,
And hope, you like my poetry."
-Bijaya Bhandari
(a five grade student)
London, U.K.
"Next Split-Eared Hermit": A Competition to become
Bhattarai, Poudel file PM candidacies
Maoist vice chairman Baburam Bhattarai and Nepali Congress parliamentary party leader Ram Chandra Poudel filed their candidacies for the Prime Minister at the office of the general secretary of the legislature parliament secretariat on Friday.This nomination was proposed by Dahal and supported by vice chairman Narayan Kaji Shrestha and general secretary Ram Bahadur Thapa.
Meanwhile, Nepali Congress prime ministerial candidate Ram Chandra Poudel also filed his nomination. He went to the parliament secretariat some two hours after Bhattarai.
Party general secretary proposed his candidacy, which was supported by Bimalendra Nidhi.
The parliament secretariat has said the nominations will have to be filed by 4 pm. The election for the prime minister will be conducted in the House at 11 am on Sunday.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
"नयाँ नेपालको परिभाषा"
An American visited NEPAL & was going back. .
I asked him "How is My Country?"
"It's a great country, Bt I didn't find any Nepali there !!"
"What nonsense r u saying, den who else did you meet ??", I asked him.
He said, "In the Tarai I only met the Madhesis,..In the hills, only the Pahades...the Newars in the Newa:.....and I met only the Tamangs, the Tamus, the Khasas, the Limbus, the Magars, but not a single Nepali."
Then I said to him, " This is what we are proud to say "OUR MODERN NEPAL"."
He kept his mouth wide open to hear this!
लघु उपन्यास (Chapter 1)
b'O{j6f j;GtnfO{ cFufnf] xfn]/ enfs';f/L v]n]sf] 7fpF xf] of] . oxfF d]/f] ;hLjtf / cl:tTj lgdf{0f / ljsf;sf nflu cfPsf] x'F d . jftfj/0f /dfOnf] 5 . ev{/ jiff{ ;lsPsf] 5 . z/b\n] gofF /Ë km]b}{5 . rf/}lt/ xl/of kftx¿ cfˆgf sf]dn ¿ksf] gUg k|bz{gdf t5f8–d5f8 ub}{5g\ . g'jfsf]6sf] 8fF8fdf uPsf] klx/f] 5\ofË 5 . pQ/kl§sf kxf8df ¿vx¿ gofF n'uf nufpFb} Ps csf{nfO{ luHofpg] v]n v]Nb} 5g\ .
Friends, lets have a new experience with "". I have just created this blog site so that the things we come across in our life will easily get published. This will also help for creating or finding things and get them cumulatively spread through the net. I hope for its continuation.
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